Password Tech is a great free tool to create all the secure passwords you need. And that you need a bunch of them is very likely. You probably use several social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. And no matter if you use them for business or just for personal reasons, you want your data to be safe. This is especially important if you store credit card information on websites for the purpose of an easy and convenient shopping experience. Same for payment processor sites like PayPal. You don’t want anyone else than yourself to have access to your money.

But even if you have some accounts online with no financial data on them, you want your passwords to be strong. It simply is not cool if someone is stealing your identity. And that can easily happen if you choose passwords like “12345678” or your last name. It is convenient, but as soon as some hacker found your account (and they will), you will receive spam emails, they will download the software you had to sign up for, will play games in your name, etc. Many things can happen. They might even be able to use your account to inject malware into your personal computer.

With Password Tech, You can avoid all that.

With Password Tech you can create passwords a hacker will need a very long time to break. There is a very good page on Wikipedia about passwords and how to choose a secure password. Password Tech allows you to create passwords or even passphrases. It is also important that the software allows you to choose the format of the password. This includes the length and the character set. Being able to choose the format is important because it depends on the website, and what kind of format is allowed. Some sites allow no special characters, others require a specific length. Password Tech gives you all the needed options.

Secure your accounts and your computer

It might be obvious to most of you but we would like to emphasize that you need to implement several layers of security to be safe. Choose strong passwords. Install a good virus scanner, or use Windows own virus scanner called “Windows Defender”, which is already part of Windows 10 (and is performing well these days). Use a good Firewall (again, Windows comes with it already, just make sure, it’s activated). And if your internet accounts provide the option of Two Factor Authentication, then use it.