There are plenty of email services around to choose from and some might even have more features than the free Yahoo! Mail. However, I stick with Yahoo Mail because it is around for quite some time and I have never experienced major problems. The team behind the software did refine the user interface a lot and today the user gets not only an easy to use tool but also enough email storage and security. And if you need an inexpensive business plan then you can have that, too. This option would be highly recommended if you need a professional-looking email address for your business because this option allows you to connect your Yahoo! email account to your own domain name.

The integrated calendar is a big plus for this email service because it allows you to easily set up appointments or reminders. And the address book is as easy to use and maintain as everything else.

With the free option of Yahoo Mail, you will need to cope with some advertisements but that is something I can easily forgive.

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Like me, you probably get lots of emails. And like me, you probably receive not only the ones you want. Unfortunately, there is a lot of spam floating around. However, if you get too many unwanted emails from specific senders, you can block those addresses. You can find the option to add those addresses in the Settings under Security and Privacy.

If you get lots of emails your inbox might get pretty messy over time. To get some order into your inbox you can set up Filters. You could, for example, filter emails from specific senders into a specific folder. Or you can save emails with the word “Urgent” in the subject line into a specific folder. Just with these examples, you can probably see already how useful those filter options are.

The Search option can also be used with specific filter options. Need to find emails you send to a specific recipient? Then use the command “to:” (e.g. “to: In a similar way you can find emails you received from someone with the command “from:”.

And there is much more: Email Signature, Mail Notifications for important emails, and even a Dark Mode.

Note of caution: Receiving emails also means having an open door for malicious content. To avoid these malicious content as much as possible you should install a good virus scanner.