Grammarly is a free online service to help you write better content. It automatically checks not just for spelling mistakes. It also checks for grammar, punctuation, word choice, and style. In addition, it provides suggestions for correction or improvement.

You can use the Grammarly Editor online or install the free extension for the most common browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge). Grammarly will then check your writing on almost every browser page, e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Gmail, etc. It will even detect plagiarism (Premium version only) and explain the reasoning behind a correction.

One of the best features is that if you type your text in any web app in the common browsers, it will be checked instantly. As a result, you don’t need to wait until you are done writing your content. You can immediately correct any mistake. This adds tremendously to your efficiency and speeds up your work. For instance, if you, as a translator, translate your text in a web-based CAT tool, you will be able to provide your jobs without mistakes. And since checking and correcting are done on the fly, you will also have the advantage of speed.

Add-ins for Microsoft Office

Another free add-in is available for Microsoft Office (Download here). The Add-in works in MS Word and Outlook and gives you the option to have your emails and Word documents checked. This is great if you need to write reports for your boss. Or maybe you need a new CV for your job search. And your work-related email exchange should also be as accurate as possible for your next promotion.

If you need more than the free version offers then you can upgrade to Grammarly Premium. It offers over 400 types of checks and features.

Grammarly is used by millions of writers and over 600 universities and corporations to help students to achieve their goals and improve everyone’s credibility in writing. (For more details read the FAQ page here).