w3schools is a website dedicated to helping you learn to program. The website includes all important programming or scripting languages. It is totally up to you what you would like to learn. If you want to dive into web programming, then JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, or Ruby would be an excellent choice for you. For game development C++, C#, or Java come to mind.

However, even though the options above are the most common languages, you are not restricted to them. You can choose whatever language you are most comfortable with. Try some and choose the one that fits you best. If you get frustrated with a programming language because of its complex structure, then it is better to move on instead of getting stuck. Just browse through the many options on w3schools and check out some examples.

Benefits of learning coding

We live in a programmed world. No, don’t get your hopes up. I’m not talking about the Matrix 🙂 I’m talking about the “normal” world around us. No matter if you use your computer, smartphone, TV, car, or even your fridge, almost every electronic device is somehow programmed. Therefore, if you learn to code, you gain access to a wide area of jobs.

And even if you are not looking for a job related to coding, there is more to learn than just a programming language. Creating any kind of software application starts with an idea. To make this idea work, you need a plan. Why? If you simply start writing your code down, you will run into problems. In the middle of your already complex application, you might suddenly realize that you need to add something. In the worst-case scenario, you might have to start from scratch. To avoid this, you should start by breaking your application down into blocks or modules. Read more about modular programming on Wikipedia.

In short, learning a programming language will also teach you to be creative and use logical thinking to anticipate the outcome of your code and to prevent errors. So it is improving your problem-solving skills!

Now, let’s code!

Not what you are looking for?

If you are more interested in learning a language like German, Italian, or even Japanese, then you might want to look at Duolingo.