EVE Online is a free-to-play online game. The story takes place in a galaxy called New Eden. Hundreds of thousands of players are already participating in this MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). You can choose many different paths for your career, including mining, piracy, manufacturing, trading, exploration (my favorite, see video below), and combat. The game provides you with over 7000 star systems to explore. And even though it seems a bit complicated at first, this game is worth trying. I would highly recommend this game to every fan of space-based sci-fi games.

  • Online Game

  • Great Graphics & Sound

  • Open World, 7000 Star Systems

  • Many Career Paths

The Story behind EVE Online

21.000 years ago, a planet named Earth was the home of the human race. Diminishing resources due to explosive population growth and mindless wasting of resources led to the colonization of the rest of the galaxy, called the Milky Way. As on Earth, competition among the colonies led to fighting over available resources and power. The fighting only stopped when a wormhole was discovered, leading to a different galaxy. The new galaxy was called New Eden.

New colonies were founded in New Eden, and a gate near the wormhole was built to stabilize it. But the unexpected happened. The wormhole collapsed, cutting New Eden off from the rest of the human race. New conflicts between the colonies led to destruction; many colonies died out entirely. Over the millennia, the descendants of the surviving colonists were able to build their own societies. But the memories and knowledge of humanity’s origins, Earth, and the Milky Way galaxy faded away. What is left now are legends and myths.

I’m Sky Moadip, New Eden is my home, and I chose the path of an explorer to find out more about the truth. Maybe someday, I will find a way back to Earth. And maybe your and my paths will cross in New Eden. I would be happy to meet you there.

Real Recorded Game Play

The following video shows some real battles played by some of the best pilots in EVE. The battles are epic, beautiful, and exciting. But the best thing is that this is not just something you can only watch like a movie. You can do everything you see in the video. Every spaceship in the video is piloted by one player. You could be that player. And all decisions are your own. You fly where you want and with who you like. Or you explore the universe totally by yourself. It’s up to you.

Additional Notes

As mentioned in the beginning, EVE Online seems to be a bit complicated. But the game starts with a training program in which, if you decide to go through with it, you will learn everything necessary to play the game successfully. And there is also the EVE Academy, where you can learn more about the game.

In addition, there are loads of other training videos made by fans, which can help a great deal as well. Try this one, for example. And if you want to know more about the background story of EVE Online, New Eden, career paths, etc., read this Wikipedia article.

And if this game isn’t for you, here are more.